8 December 2013 | AE, News & Events
Aniridia Europe, Aniridia Italiana and Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto are pleased to announce the upcoming 2nd European Conference on Aniridia, which will be held on 19th-20th September 2014 in Venice (Italy). Information about the conference, programme,...
19 October 2013 | AE, News & Events
2013 Make a Miracle Conference organized by AFI – Aniridia Foundation International and University of Virginia Charlottesville, July 31st-August 4th, 2013 REPORT From July 31st to August 4th the University of Virginia in Charlottesville hosted the 7th...
1 March 2012 | AE, National activities, News & Events
ANIRIDIA EUROPE announces the European Conference on Aniridia, to be held in Oslo, Norway, on June 8-10th 2012. The goal or the conference is to promote research on aniridia diagnosis and treatment. The Norwegian Association of Aniridia – Aniridi Norge –...