Erasmus+ project Looking out for a school for all: early educational inclusion for students with low vision

The project is focused on early educational inclusion for visually impaired children. It involves 6 partners from 3 different European countries. It is led by RedTree, a Spanish organisation that has a long experience in working with associations of people with visual impairment. The other partners are: Alba, the Spanish association for albinism, Aniridia Europe, Aniridi Norge, Aniridia Italiana and SmallCodes, an Italian company specialized in developing digital environments.

The project will last two years, from September 2018 to August 2020, and will include 4 transnational meetings in Spain, Italy and Norway.

The main objective will be to develop materials and tools to ease the inclusion of children with visual impairment in early education; for this purpose it is intended to design applications adapted to their learning as well as guides/handbooks on inclusion for the training of teachers and trainers of early education.

Aniridia-Net: Aniridia: Networking to address an unmet medical, scientific, and societal challenge

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) has decided to fund the program Aniridia: Networking to address an unmet medical, scientific, and societal challenge, whose aims are to build an excellent pan-European collaboration within the aniridia community and to improve the clinical management of the disease and advance research in cornea, stem cells, genetics, regenerative medicine, transplantation and many other fields.

The project involves an impressive group of 69 proposers from 24 countries.

Aniridia Europe is a partner with the specific task of representing the patients and playing an active role towards these objectives.

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