The logo of the project Together for inclusion represent a blue square including a white cercle looking like a moon and the word "together" at its lower edge

The 1st meeting of the Erasmus Plus project “TOGETHER FOR INCLUSION: Young people with low vision for active participation awareness and associationism around the world” was held on 5 May 2023 in Rome (Italy).
The project arises from the joint work of a wide European and Latinoamerican intersectoral network formed by social entities from 4 countries (Spain, Argentina, Italy, and Chile). The entities are Redtree Making Projects Coop.V., the European federation of aniridia associations Aniridia Europe, Aniridia Italiana, Albinos Chile, Simplemente amigos and the Asociación de Ayuda a las Personas con Albinismo ALBA.
The attendees in person were: Raquel (Redtree), Pablo and Mónica (ALBA), Corrado, Matteo, and Marta (Aniridia Italiana), Barbara, Irma, and Oana (Aniridia EU), Daniel and José (Simplemente Amigos), and Carolina and Camila (Albinos Chile). Additionally, the following attendees were present remotely: Pepe and Pilar (ALBA), Julio (Simplemente Amigos).
The first part of the meeting was intended to recall the project’s objectives and to present each entity to the other partners with a formal presentation and by answering questions .
Then it was discussed about the documentation on legislation on the formal procedures to establish an association, which will be included in the outcomes.
It was agreed that, because legislations and procedures are different in the different countries, the text will contain general recommendations, including useful addresses and links and practical examples from some of the participating partners.
After hearing the opinions, it was decided that the guide should also include general aspects about networking and associationism, insisting on common points regardless the country in which the association is going to be created.
Another topic was the planning of the next transnational meetings and of virtual meetings in between.

Logo of the European Union accompanied by the sentence: co-funded by the European Union