On October 21, 2023, the second transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project “TOGETHER FOR
INCLUSION: Young People with Low Vision for Awareness and Associationism Worldwide”
took place in Valencia, Spain.
The attendees included: Raquel and Luis (Redtree), Pablo, Pepe, Mónica, and Pilar (ALBA),
Corrado and Michael (Aniridia Italiana), Irma and Oana (Aniridia Europe), Daniel, Jose, and Julio
(Simplemente Amigos), and Claudia and Diego (Albinos Chile). Additionally, the following attendees
joined remotely: Cécile and Txell (ALBA).
Following the reading of the agenda, final ideas for formatting and completing the guide prepared by
Pilar were clarified to bring it to completion. All ideas were collected and shared to ensure the guide
had the widest possible dissemination and utility, resulting in a comprehensive guide to promote associationism among young visually impaired people, along with additional “pills” or short explanations.
In addition to the guide, the initiation of the Manual for Obtaining Aid in the project was discussed.
Therefore, it was reminded that it is necessary to upload the document briefly explaining how to
obtain aid for NGOs in one’s own country or community to the shared drive folder.
Subsequently, the official project website was introduced: www.sighttogether.eu, where all
intellectual project results and project information will be available.
Another decision made was to set the date of the next in-person meeting on April 4, 2024, in Chile.